Saturday, February 6, 2010

It's Official: Our Assignment

Even though we spoke to our placement officer on Thursday December 17th and she told us our invitation was in the mail, she couldn’t tell us where we were going. Today, the packet arrived and it’s official, we are going to Morocco. I would have been excited about Jordan but we are on cloud 9 about Morocco.

Our Assignment:
Program: Community Based Environmental Education and Awareness
Job Title: Environment Educator and Community Development Agent
Dates of Service: May 5, 2010 - May 5, 2012
Departure: March 1, 2010

We still don’t know where exactly in Morocco we will be living and we won’t find that out until the end of pre-service training. Reading the details of our assignment there is so much we could possibly be doing. We will likely be working with communities in or near national parks, reserves or other biologically or ecologically important sites teaching natural resource conservation and rural community development.

The entire concept of the Peace Corps is excessively exciting and daunting. Until now it has been mostly speculative, but at present there is a lot to think about, organize and prepare for. We will call to officially accept the invitation tomorrow. Hopefully someone is at the Peace Corps office before the Christmas holiday.